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The platform has increased the number of Asian and women in lead roles but still lags in representing Latinos, disabled, and women of color, a study by the streaming company and the University of Southern California (USC) found.
A Nielsen identity and representation study found that more than 40% of respondents are more likely to buy products from brands that advertise within content that features someone from their identity group.
The LGBTQ+ community’s perception indicates that current media portrayals offer an incomplete view of LGBTQ+ identities and experiences, Nielsen noted in its latest report.
The move comes after the network gave a first look at this year’s 40-holiday movies on Wednesday and was swiftly met with criticism over none of them featuring any prominent queer characters.
La plataforma realizará diferentes acciones que buscan fomentar la diversidad y el respeto hacia esta comunidad en México, durante la semana del “Orgullo” del 22 al 28 de junio.